Mayan City Builder

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This is an exciting city-building game set at the height of Mayan civilisation.

This game will give children a hands-on experience of how settlements develop, especially the interdependence that is present in large human settlements. It provides children with human geography objectives as well as provides a great basis for some non-fiction writing afterwards.


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The game is played across the whole classroom where children take the role of Mayan rulers seeking to construct the most elaborate tomb that they can, but to do this they will need to gather large amounts of resources through trade, construction and perhaps even raiding!

This is a game that you can play with your children as a way to demonstrate what a Mayan city needed to construct one of their iconic pyramid-tombs. It shows children that it was not just materials that were needed, but also people and all the essentials that these people needed to live: food, water and shelter.

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Available for purchase on the TES – click here