Legends of the Tymes

This game is still in development :

The land of Mathesida is a place of soaring mountains, plunging valleys, glittering seas and rolling plains. Dotted amongst this landscape are the cities and towns of the realm . It is in these settlements where budding adventurers begin their training in the ways of the Ether Magics that swirl through the land. These forces are invisible to most people , but those that have learned from the masters of the magic can shape these them to summon fantastical creatures and wondrous items to their side to aid them in their journeys. The life of an adventurer has many rewards, but is also fraught with danger whether it be in the dank dungeons of the land or the threat from other ambitious wanderers seeking glory. For the new adventurer beginning  their journey, they must learn how to summon creatures and spells from the magical winds of the world to defeat their foes.

This setting will help children learn and practice their timetables  facts including related timetables facts. Eventually the setting will have three elements to it : training, where children can learn their timetables facts; the game , where children are able to practice their times tables facts by battling with rivals adventurers; the adventures, a place for learners to apply their timetables facts in choose-your-own-adventure style narratives.

There will be three elements to the setting of Legends of Tymes:

1.The game – The game element of the setting is a two-player card game in which players play combination of cards which represent magical creatures  that form timetable facts. The game allows player to combine different timetable facts and will allow player to use these facts with multiples of 10 and 100. 

The first version of the game in a a basic form is available for download here

2. The training –  These will be timetable booklets that will help children to learn their timetables through practice, reasoning and problem solving. Completing these ‘training’ booklets will allow learners to add more cards to their decks for the game.

3. The adventures – Imagine a choose-your-own-adventure booklet that helps children learn their timetables through problem solving, you’ve just imagined the adventure booklets of Legends of the Tymes.